School Board Policy
The School Board develops policies to govern the operation of the school system. Policies address:
- Foundations and Basic Commitments
- School Board Governance and Operations
- General School Administration
- Support Services
- Fiscal Management
- Facilities Development
- Personnel
- Instruction
- Students
- School/Community Relations
- Education Agency Relations
Looking for a specific policy?
All School Board policies are available online in ElectronicSchoolBoard, the Division's paperless meeting system. We have several options available for searching policies, as well as viewing accessible versions of policies:
Browse a drop-down list of policies.
Policies are organized by section, code, and policy title.
Members of the public also may access School Board policies at county libraries, school division offices, or any of our county schools.
If you have questions, comments, or suggested edits for a specific policy, please email and include the policy title.