Code of Conduct for School Board Members
At their Organizational Meeting each January, the School Board reviews, approves and signs a Code of Conduct that identifies appropriate behaviors for individuals serving on the School Board.
Code of Conduct
As a member of the Albemarle County School Board, I will strive to be an advocate for the people I represent to include students, parents, and county citizens, and to improve public education. To that end:
- I will have integrity in all matters and support the full development of all children and the welfare of the community, Commonwealth and Nation.
- I will attend scheduled board meetings.
- I will come to board meetings informed concerning the issues under consideration.
- I will make policy decisions based on the available facts and appropriate public input.
- I will delegate authority for the administration of the schools to the superintendent and establish a process for accountability of administrators.
- I will encourage individual board member expression of opinion and establish an open, two-way communication process with all segments of the community.
- I will communicate, in accordance with board policies, public reaction and opinion regarding board policies and school programs to the full board and superintendent.
- I will bring about desired changes through legal and ethical procedures, upholding and enforcing all laws, state regulations, and court orders pertaining to schools.
- I will refrain from using the board position for personal or partisan gain and avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety.
- I will respect the confidentiality of privileged information and make no individual decisions or commitments that would compromise the board or administration.
- I will be informed about current educational issues through individual study and participation in appropriate programs, such as those sponsored by my state and national school boards associations.
- I will always remember that the foremost concern of the board is to improve and enhance the teaching and learning experience for all students in the public schools of Virginia. Therefore, I will always strive to demonstrate appropriate behavior/conduct as a member of the Albemarle County School Board.