School Board

The Albemarle County School Board and the Superintendent of Schools are bound in a partnership of mutual trust and vision. The School Board and the Superintendent are responsible for selecting the results that the school system should be pursuing. Together, the School Board and the Superintendent take primary responsibility for ensuring that Albemarle County Public Schools is an effective school system.

For more information about the role of the School Board, refer to Policy BBA, Role, Qualifications, and Appraisal of the School Board.

Meet the School Board members »

A blue and gray badge that reads %22Anti-Racism Policy Orientation, 100% Staff Participation, School Board.%22
From left: Mr. Pace, Ms. Le, Dr. Acuff, Mr. Paige, Ms. Osborne, Dr. Berlin, Ms. Spillman.

From left: Mr. Chuck Pace, Rio District; Ms. Judy Le, Chair, Rivanna District; Dr. Kate Acuff, Jack Jouett District; Mr. Graham Paige, Samuel Miller District; Ms. Ellen Osborne, Scottsville District; Dr. Rebecca Berlin, White Hall District; Ms. Allison Spillman, At-Large Representative

Participating in Our Meetings

School Board meetings are open to the public. While meetings are occurring virtually, the Board encourages community members to participate by watching via livestream and offering public comment:


Connect to our video livestream.

School Board meetings are broadcast via livestream. Our meeting schedule and agendas are posted in ElectronicSchoolBoard.

Take Our Streaming Survey

Albemarle County School Board
401 McIntire Road, Room 345
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Phone: 434-972-4055
Fax: 434-296-5869

You can contact the entire School Board by email at Please include the district in which you reside or the name of your child's school in the message.

Please note: For records retention purposes, emails sent to will also be received by the Clerk of the Board.