Post High

Post High, a program within Albemarle County Public Schools, serves 18-22 year old students with a variety of disabilities. The Post High program is designed to provide supported transitions from the traditional school setting to an adult life in the community. Students receive instruction in functional academics, home living skills, community resources, and/ or supported employment according to an individualized education plan.


The Post High staff work closely with the students, their families, and adult service agencies in order to facilitate a positive transition after school (i.e. Worksource, DARS, Region Ten).

What to Expect

How is Post High similar to High School?
  • School transportation pick students up at their homes and bring them to Post High. The bus then takes the students home at the end of the day.
  • The Post High calendar and schedule follows the ACPS calendar and schedule.
  • Post High teachers and staff provide instruction targeting growth for students in the areas of functional skills, social skills, academic and job skills.
  • Students are provided with lunch each day through the ACPS meal program, through community outings, or through cooking activities as part of the Post High program.
  • Post High students participate in activities where they are given the opportunity to explore their interests and skills.
How is it different than High School?
  • The focus is on independent living and vocational skills.
  • The building is a functional house, along with additional open spaces at the Post High Annex.
  • Many activities take place outside the building, in our local community.
  • Post High has access to nurses, custodians etc. through Burley Middle School.
  • Post High operates during the hours: 9:00am - 3:15pm

Instructional Focus

Social Skills: Interacting in an appropriate way with peers and community members

  • Greeting peers, familiar adults, strangers, and acquaintances
  • Maintaining balanced relationships

Life Skills: learning and practicing skills needed for everyday life

  • Preparing a meal including recipe reading, measurement, table setting, and following directions
  • Personal hygiene: Understanding its importance and having a basic understanding of how to perform the necessary tasks to maintain health and wellness.

Vocational Skills - developing specific job skills for potential employment

  • Gross & fine motor skills
  • Performing a given number of tasks with limited prompting
  • Asking questions/seeking clarification

Community Skills / Student Enrichment: participating in activities that interest the student and that enrich students' lives, exposing them to new ideas and activities

  • Activities may include reaction at the gym, swimming, meditative exercise, dance or art classes: Staying physically active in fun and interactive ways (emphasis on life long activities).
  • Social Interaction with peers outside of the Post High setting

Emily Blase
Special Education Coordinator
Phone: 434-296-5885

Candy Taberner
Special Education Teacher
Phone: 434-977-4610

Ruth Tapscott
ACPS Special Education Transition Coordinator

Lindsay Jobe
Lead Special Education Teacher
Phone: 434-977-4610

Hannah Allen
Special Education Teacher
Phone: 434-977-4610