Question of the Week

Question of the week

You should do an equity audit on who attends Teacher Advisory Committee meetings to see if it is representative of teachers in ACPS.

Thanks for reaching out with this.  Teacher Advisory Committee (or TAC) exists to provide an opportunity for feedback related to selected division initiatives or topics of concern to licensed staff in the division.

Currently, we reach out to Principals to request 1-2 faculty from each school and we do encourage them to represent the diversity of our staff.  As many of these positions are volunteer, and staff in each school may self-select various committees to join, it is difficult in our current model to ensure that TAC is fully representative.

There are conversations going on now related to the role of TAC moving forward and the types of topics TAC should address.  As we launch it for next year with revisions, we will bring an equity lens to the makeup of the group to ensure voices are represented in the discussions moving forward.

Answer by Dan Redding, Executive Director of Human Resources
