Several years ago, we often completed professional learning or teacher work days by utilizing half-days for students and staff. Over the years, the feedback we have received from families is that it is difficult to plan for half-days in terms of childcare coverage and picking up students earlier in the school day. The feedback we get from principals and teachers is that a half-day is not a productive learning environment for students since the schedule is so drastically shortened. Student attendance is also negatively impacted by a half-day schedule. Each year, we conduct a calendar survey. In our most recent survey, the majority of commenters affirmed that they view the reduction of “half-days” as a positive. Survey results and other resources pertaining to our calendar development process may be accessed on our Calendar Development webpage.
We have a calendar team that meets to discuss options each year. Some guiding principles that we use include “maximizing the value of instructional days as much as possible” and “providing students and families with a predictable, regular weekly schedule.” We feel that having little to no half days supports these principles.
Answer provided by Jamie Gellner, Director of Special Projects and Program Evaluation