What is the action plan to increase our employee engagement and satisfaction?
A key part of ACPS’ strategy is to recognize the great work employees are doing — the everyday things that are part of the normal course of their responsibilities — and highlight how that directly connects to the School’s or Department’s and ACPS’ Mission and Vision. For example, how the extra time taken to help an employee get resolution to a benefits question supports that employee in alleviating concerns and lets them focus time and energy on serving students and families, furthering our common goals. This connects daily, routine tasks to the overall goals of the school division that employees may lose sight of in the overwhelming day to day.
Naming that connection helps every employee see their role in achieving our overarching goals. Leaders and supervisors make an effort every day to listen to the needs of staff and work with them on a resolution. We find staff very much appreciate and value being seen and heard, especially as challenges are posed and decisions need to be made. It is important to us to be transparent and always take time to explain the “why” behind a decision or choice, just as it's also critical to the work we do to engage staff in planning and implementing change. Our desire is for every single staff member to understand their particular role is critical to the success of the whole school.
We want to help staff members name and accentuate their strengths first and foremost before we begin to work on the larger community. When teachers and staff feel valued, that flows down into their day-to-day interactions with students. We truly look for the joy in each day and model that for staff, students, and families. As Walter Chrysler said, “The real secret of success is enthusiasm."
ACPS’ strategy also includes respecting the different backgrounds and strengths of employees. Supporting our employees who are English Learners through translated resources and Bright Arrow messages is key to engagement. Creating pathways for training and growth and eliminating barriers for accessing these pathways is important for our employees to develop their skills and fully participate as employees.
Answer from Executive Directory of Human Resources Dan Redding, Director of Building Services Lindsay Snoddy and Journey Middle School Principal Ashby Johnson