What is our systemic professional development plan to support improving the appropriateness of student behavior?
Albemarle County Public School is implementing a school discipline approach that has been moving toward a more community/relationship based problem solving model as indicated by professional development, practice and support of models like Responsive Classroom, Developmental Designs, the STEP program at the secondary level as well as opportunities for students to engage in mediation and community circles. These approaches have the common ground of building classroom and school communities by supporting students.
While all this sounds positive and hopeful, I do recognize that students are struggling to regulate their emotions, navigate stressors and relationships and quite simply, behave responsibly in a school setting. These challenges, in turn, cause stress on teachers, staff and administrators who are trying their best. My goal is to provide support for each school to integrate restorative practices, which I believe, will add to the already supportive and empathetic learning environment that will boost the already positive impact we are having on student behavior and ultimately, improve the learning experience for students AND staff.
Restorative practices emphasize repairing harm and rebuilding relationships rather than addressing behavior through punitive measures. When conflicts or issues arise, students and educators engage in restorative circles or conferences to discuss the impact of their actions, express their feelings, and collectively find solutions that work for everyone in the process. This approach encourages personal responsibility and empathy among students and staff.
I believe students make choices to meet their basic needs, such as belonging, power, freedom, and fun. My hope is that together we can support each other, students and families as we work at all grade levels to understand the connection between student (and our own) choices and the satisfaction of these needs. By helping students make more responsible and constructive choices (getting their needs met while not infringing on others meeting their own needs), the emphasis focuses squarely on personal growth and development.
My work in Albemarle County Public Schools is to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment that focuses on nurturing students' emotional and social well-being while encouraging responsible decision-making and personal accountability. I’m hopeful that together we can use these approaches to promote a sense of belonging, empowerment, and cooperation within the school community.
Answer provided by Kevin Kirst, Executive Director of Student Services