Is there a plan to get teachers’ pay to keep up with inflation?
The school division’s plan and ability to compensate its staff (all staff) is based on two things predominantly: The first is maintaining competitiveness with other school divisions and the second is based on incoming revenues, largely from the state and Albemarle’s tax revenues.
Our budget, in many ways, is based on determinations by external entities on the taxpayer's ability to pay taxes. Our Human Resources Department does its best to consider large-scale factors, like inflation, as we work to ensure that we pay our staff appropriately within the parameters we are given.
Thank you for this question. It’s not an easy one to answer. Solving the problem that you raise is complex, and largely dependent on external entities’ funding. However, the Albemarle County School Board and the Human Resources Department is committed to compensating our workforce in a way that allows them to live well and live well in this area, in whatever ways we can. If you want to learn more about our compensation system and plan, I know that our Human Resources Department would be happy to answer any questions you may have further.
Answer from Brodie Downs, Director of Human Resources' Employee Services