Question of the Week

Question of the week

Employees have asked about a bonus for this year. Is the 2% increase taking the place of the bonus?

For the past two years, ACPS has provided a $1,000 bonus for regular full-time employees who are in budgeted positions and $750 for part-time employees in December. This was the result of funding received from the state. When the state allocates these funds to us, they do so only for those positions identified in the State Standards of Quality (partial funding for about half of our staff ). ACPS has made a philosophical commitment to funding these bonuses for all employees, and makes up the difference in funding out of local operating funds.

This year, rather than provide funds for a bonus, the state provided funds for a 2% increase. As with the bonuses, these funds are tied to SOQ positions and ACPS has needed to provide additional funding to ensure that all regular employees receive this increase. An increase like this also impacts employees’ VRS accrual for their retirement payments. We are also moving the minimum and maximum of the pay grades for this change, which supports our classified employees who are at the top of the scale in increasing their VRS creditable compensation.

This increase therefore becomes part of an employee’s base pay as we enter into calendar year 2024, and will be part of the baseline fiscal year 2025 budget. Employees will receive their annual increase with this new, increased salary as the starting point.

Answer provided by Dan Redding, Executive Director for Human Resources
