Question of the Week

Question of the week

From the December AEA & ACPS Exchange Meeting: If Restorative Justice is the county's paradigm for addressing student behavior, how do we not have a concise statement of protocols for implementation? How can we maintain fidelity to a program with amorphous expectations? Subsequently, how are we then gauging success? This request was first articulated in EVAAC two years ago.

Restorative practices are thoughtfully detailed in the Restorative Discipline Handbook (link below). While they cannot be reduced to a strict protocol, as every situation is unique and requires professional discretion, they embody a philosophy—a way of thinking and being that guides our interactions and responses. Similar to the concept of kindness, there isn’t a singular "program" or formula to follow.
That said, we recognize the importance of clarity and consistency. I’d like to share some of our progress and ongoing efforts to develop a thoughtful and structured approach to implementation and change.

  • Restorative Discipline Handbook
    • This link contains descriptions of and structures related to Restorative Practices. Again, as articulated in the past, outside of Responsive Classroom (elementary) and Developmental Designs (secondary), which are aligned to restorative practices and, at present, the mode of delivering “protocol” to build community and integrate restorative practices.  
  • Articles Posted on Restorative News
    • Several articles have been posted that address restorative practices and offer some “protocols” targeted at administration, specific programs (S.T.E.P.), and staff (Student Safety Coaches).
  • Professional Development
    • As noted earlier, opportunities for staff to participate in Responsive Classrooms and Developmental Designs and opportunities throughout the year (i.e., CPI, Restorative Practices ! and II) for specific staff (S.T.E.P., Student Safety Coaches) have been ongoing.  

Monitoring data on reported behavioral incidents, rates of out-of-school suspension, the number of disciplinary hearings, and long-term suspensions and expulsions, as well as climate survey data from staff and students, gauge the success of implementation. 

Answer by Executive Director of Student Services Kevin Kirst
