How willing are we, as a school division, to change the status quo on course pathways and credits?
As an organization, it's important to regularly evaluate course pathways and sequences to ensure they are accessible, engaging, innovative, and lead to successful post-secondary outcomes for our students.
There is a lot of flexibility in supporting individual students in meeting graduation requirements. In collaboration with families and educators, students can design individualized plans of study and select from among several pathways within the parameters set by the VDOE and ACPS school board policy, including, but not limited to, Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit, Advanced Placement Credit, Credit Via Alternative Pathways, Virtual Learning, and Work-Based Learning.
For more information, staff, students, and families can contact their school counselor or see the High School Program of Studies and Policy IKFD Pathways for Attaining Standard Units of Credit.
Answer from Lead Coach & CTE Administrator Meagan Maynard