Banner that reads %22Objective 3.2, Metrics%22

Funded Capital Projects

Our goal is to increase the percentage of capital requests that are funded each year. Our baseline data for this metric was gathered from the 2021-22 capital improvements plan (CIP) process. A 5-year plan is approved in May of each year.

For the FY 23-27 CIP, the School Board requested $275,763,750 worth of capital improvement projects, which include Long Range Planning Advisory Committee recommendations.

Address Capacity Issues

Our goal is to develop mitigation plans to address capacity issues at schools at or over 95% capacity. The Long Range Planning Advisory Committee developed mitigation plans to address capacity issues that can be found in Section 1: Enrollment and Capacity in their 2021 Long Range Planning Advisory Committee Recommendations report.

Modernization Standards

Our goal is for all ACPS buildings and facilities meet modernization standards. We will develop these standards and collect baseline data during the 2022-23 school year.

Reduce Emissions

Our goal is to reduce carbon emissions from all ACPS buildings and facilities. Baseline data will be gathered for this metric during the 2022-23 school year.