Actively empower all stakeholders, including those without children in our schools, to engage in our school community, through effective communications.
Objective 2.3 Strategies
- Strategy 1 - Increase Engagement with Multilingual Communities
- Strategy 2 - Create Advisory Groups for Various Communities
- Strategy 3 - Increase Diversity in Adult Education
- Strategy 4 - Increase Number and Diversity of School Volunteers
- Strategy 5 - Use of Multilingual Media Outlets
- Strategy 6 - Foster Connections with Local Neighborhoods
Strategy 1 - Increase Engagement with Multilingual Communities
Strategy 2 - Create Advisory Groups for Various Communities
Strategy 3 - Increase Diversity in Adult Education
Strategy 4 - Increase Number and Diversity of School Volunteers
Strategy 5 - Use of Multilingual Media Outlets
Strategy 6 - Foster Connections with Local Neighborhoods
Objective 2.3 Metrics
Objective 2.3 Metrics | |
New Advisory Groups: Our goal is to increase community participation by creating new advisory groups that give members of our community an authentic voice and vote in our division. | Adult Education and Volunteer Demographics: Our goal is to increase the participation of several demographic groups in our adult education and volunteer programs to reflect the demographics of the division. |
Accessibility of Messages: Our goal is to show stability in the number of community members who access our web pages and accounts across various social media platforms. | Parent Engagement Tools: Our goal is increase satisfaction in division communication and engagement in generally under represented demographic groups. |
Survey Responses Reflect Demographics: Our goal is to increase the response rate of several demographic groups so that the overall response demographic mirrors that of the division. | Increase Neighborhood Visits: Our goal is to increase the number of times per year that division and School Board leaders visit different neighborhoods throughout our division. |
Increase in Multi-Language Media Outlet Usage: Our goal is to increase the placement of news releases, messages, interviews and advertisements in media outlets where English is not the primary language. |