Student and Family Satisfaction
Our goal is to monitor student and family satisfaction with the division through nationally normed surveys. For this metric, we will use results from our family-school relationship survey distributed in spring 2022 as a baseline.
Out of 2,144 responses, the data can be broken down as follows:
Barriers to engagement
Questions around barriers to engagement asked our families about factors that may create challenged for families to interact with or become involved with their child's current school. Our families responded in a positive manner to these questions 77% of the time, which falls in the 0th to 19th percentile nationally.
School Climate
Questions around school climate asked our families about their perceptions of the overall social and learning climate of their child's school. Our families responded in a positive manner to these questions 62% of the time, which falls into the 20th to 39th percentile nationally.
School Fit
Questions around school fit asked our families about their perceptions of how well a school matches their child's developmental needs. Our families responded in a positive manner to these questions 57% of the time, which falls into the 0th to 19th percentile nationally.
School Safety
Questions around school safety asked our families about their perceptions of student physical and psychological safety at school. Our families responded in a positive manner to these questions 70% of the time, which falls into the 0th to 19th percentile nationally.
DESSA Identification
Our goal is to see the number of DESSA identifications in our division be at or below the national average. DESSA identification data from the 2021-22 school year will be used as our baseline for this metric.
Increase in Staff Wellness Participation Rates
Our goal is to see the rate in which ACPS staff participates in various wellness programs offered increase. Baseline data for this metric will be gathered during the 2022-23 school year.
Health Insurance Claims Decrease Over Time
Our goal is to see the number of health insurance claims submitted by ACPS staff decrease over time. Baseline data for this metric will be gathered during the 2022-23 school year.
Increase In Support Services
Our goal is to increase the number of partnerships with local organizations that provide family support services in our communities. During the 2022-23 school year, we will audit which organizations we currently partner with and work to identify additional organizations with which we may create opportunity.
Intramural Participation Rates
Our goal is to offer our students an intramural program with robust student participation. As this is a new program, ACPS is currently working on planning implementation and a baseline would be gathered during the 2022-23 school year.
Interacting with Students from Other Schools
Our goal is to increase the number of opportunities our students have to interact with students from other schools. As this is a new program, ACPS is currently working on planning implementation and a baseline would be gathered during the 2022-23 school year.
Responsive Classroom and Developmental Design
Our goal is to complete an audit of these programs and ensure that they are being implemented with fidelity. Baseline data will come from these audits during the 2022-23 school year.