On-Time Graduation Rate
Our goal is to consistently have a better on-time graduation rate than the state average.
SOL Pass Rates
Our goal is to close achievement gaps and see results that are better than the state average.
AP Test Results
Our goal is to return results that are better than the national average and that our enrollment in AP classes matches the demographics of the overall school community. Although we do not have a report that features each AP test results, we do have data on AP enrollment and how many students took and passed a test.
Dual Enrollment
Our goal is to see the demographics partaking in our Dual Enrollment program match the overall demographics of ACPS. This year's metrics show a baseline of students who earned credits in our Dual Enrollment and International Baccalaureate classes broken down by demographic group.
Course Grades
Our goal is to reduce the the number of secondary students with one or more course failures. Using the 2021-22 school year results as a baseline, we want to see this reduction overall and by demographics.
Additional baseline information can be found in our Equity Table:
National Student Clearing House
Our goal is to track the post-secondary education of our students to determine the rate of which they earn degrees. This information will allow us to measure if our students earn degrees at a higher rate than the national average. The information we have on the Class of 2016 will be our baseline.
PLCs Move Up Stages
Our goal is to see our Peer Learning Communities show consistent growth through the seven stages of our PLC tool.
Learning Walks Demonstrate Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices
Learning walks were not an effective method for collecting data about Culturally Responsive Teaching in our classrooms. Beginning in the 2022-23 school year, all teachers will add information on Culturally Responsive Teaching practices to their Employee Performance Evaluation.
Increase In Math Skills
During the 2022-23 school year, we will begin to use standards-based reporting to track elementary student math progress during the year. This data, in addition to SOL data, will be available in our 2022-23 State of the Division report.
Student-Led Conferences
Our goal is to have 100% participation in our new Student-Led Conference program. As this is a newly-implemented program, baseline data will be gathered during the 2022-23 school year.
Computer Science and DLI Standards
Our goal is to have 100% of our Learning Technology Integrators trained in Computer Science and DLI Standards. As this is a new program, we will begin to gather baseline data during the 2022-23 school year.