*Data in this report reflects the 2021-22 school year.
2021-22 State of the
Division Quick Links
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
During the 2021-22 school year, the division developed a new strategic plan titled Learning for All. In this plan, we clearly define the three main goals of our division: supporting our students and helping them thrive, affirming and empowering our communities while encouraging engagement in our schools, and providing transformative and equitable resources throughout the division.
Within these three main goals, each department developed strategies to guide the implementation of programs in the division designed to help us meet our goals. Each strategy then contains a set of metrics the division uses to determine if the strategies implemented are successful in helping us meet our goals.
This change in strategic plan led us to a change in how we present the State of the Division. This year, our report will focus on the progress we have made in the past year regarding these strategies, or present baseline data to measure growth against in the next State of the Division.
Therefore, this year, we have built an interactive web presence where members of our communities can explore the data that we have collected and see how that interacts with our strategic plan. Choose an Objective you would like to learn more about from the column on the left. On each Objective page, you will find the Strategies we are using to work toward meeting this Objective, and what work was completed within each strategy during the 2021-22 school year. Also on each Objective page is a chart listing each metric we are using to measure the success of each metric. By selecting "View Objective Metrics," you can see the baseline data we have gathered for each metric during the 2021-23 school year.
Links on the top of each page will allow users to return to the Objective page, this landing page, or the overall division homepage.
Our Goals
Goal 1 - Thriving Students
ACPS will facilitate learning experiences grounded in high expectations, networks of care, and student curiosity to ensure academic and social-emotional development for all students while eliminating opportunity, access, and achievement gaps.
Goal 2 - Affirming and Empowering Communities
ACPS commits to developing a culturally responsive environment that will respect and champion the diversity of life experiences of all stakeholders and supports the physical and mental health of our students, staff, and families so they are actively empowered to engage in our school community.
Goal 3 - Equitable, Transformative Resources
ACPS will attract, develop and retain the highest quality staff; develop sustainable and modern facilities, infrastructure and equipment; and distribute all resources in an equitable manner to transform learning experiences and opportunities.
Objective 1.1
ACPS will ensure that each student is supported to achieve their best.
Objective 1.2
ACPS will develop structures that support students’ academic mental health for both proactive and intervention purposes.
Objective 1.3
ACPS will increase student engagement in their own learning, in the school culture, and in student governance.
Objective 2.1
Foster Culturally Responsive Environments that affirm the identities and life experiences of all stakeholders.
Objective 2.2
Support the physical and mental health of our students, staff and families.
Objective 2.3
ACPS will increase student engagement in their own learning, in the school culture, and in student governance.
Objective 3.1
Attract, develop and retain the highest quality staff.
Objective 3.2
Develop modern and environmentally sustainable facilities, infrastructure and equipment.
Objective 3.3
Provide resources in an equitable manner that transforms learning experiences and opportunities for all students.