Out of 5,554 responses, the results can be broken down as follows:
Rigorous Expectations
Questions around rigorous expectations asked our students if they feel that their teachers hold them to high expectations around effort, understanding, persistence and performance in class. Our students in grades 6 through 12 responded in a positive manner to these questions 55% of the time, which is 4 percentage points lower than the fall survey and falls in the 0 to 19th percentile nationally.
School Climate
Questions around school climate asked our students for their perceptions of the overall social and learning climate for the school. Students in grades 6 through 12 responded in a positive manner to these questions 40% of the time, which is 4 percentage points lower than the fall survey and falls in the 0th to 19th percentile nationally.
School Safety
Questions around school safety asked our students for their perceptions of their physical and psychological safety at school. Students in grades 6 through 12 responded in a positive manner to these questions 57% of the time, which is 5 percentage points lower than the fall survey and falls in the 40th to 59th percentile nationally.
Sense of Belonging
Questions around sense of belonging asked our students how much they feel that they are valued members of the school community. Students in grades 6 through 12 responded in a positive manner to these question 37% of the time, which is 2 percentage points lower than the fall survey and falls in the 0 to 19th percentile nationally.
Valuing of School
Questions around a students' valuing of school asks our students how much they feel that school is interesting, important, and useful. Students in grades 6 through 12 responded in a positive manner to these questions 41% of the time, which is 5 percentage points lower than the fall survey and falls in the 0th to 19th percentile nationally.
Cultural Awareness and Action
Questions around cultural awareness and action ask our students how often they learn about, discuss and confront issues of race, ethnicity and culture in school. Students in grades 6 through 12 responded in a positive manner to these questions 48% of the time, which is 1 percentage point lower than the fall survey and falls into the 0 to 19th percentile nationally.