School Naming Review
School Board Directive to the Superintendent
On October 25, 2018, the Albemarle County School Board directed the superintendent to:
- Add school division values to the criteria for naming school buildings and facilities.
- Review the names of all schools in the division named after individuals, taking into account how faithful those designations are to the values of our school division.
- Report recommendations to the school board for changing the names of schools that are inconsistent with our values.
Naming or Renaming Schools: General Provisions
First and foremost, the name of any school must be consistent with the school board’s current adopted vision, mission, goals and values. The board intends to involve students, teachers, and interested citizens that reflect the diversity of the school division in the process of naming or renaming schools.
Our Intentions
When we are faced with the renaming of a school, we have an opportunity to respond to a negative time in our past by embracing our values and bolstering a positive future for our children.
Ensure the process includes multiple methods of engagement (e.g., survey, community meetings, interpretation services, recordings, press releases, etc.).
Inclusion of All Voices
We are committed to conducting an inclusive process in which the school community feels welcome to participate and contribute ideas for their school’s new name.
Procedure for Renaming a School Facility
Upon direction from the superintendent, a staff designee shall (a) provide research to the School Board about the individual for whom the school is named so that the School Board may determine whether the existing school name aligns with the current vision, mission, and values of the School Board; and (b) present a recommendation to the School Board as to whether the current name should retained or changed.
Step 2: school board determination to retain or rename
The School Board will determine whether to retain the current name, or rename the school. Names of individual(s) will not be considered in the renaming process.
Step 3: advisory committee
Upon direction from the School Board, the Superintendent or designee shall form an advisory committee (“Committee”) to provide recommendations to the Superintendent on a new name for the school. The committee shall proceed with meetings and activities in accordance with the process stipulated in Policy FA, Building and Naming Facilities, culminating with a recommendation to the superintendent.
Step 4: Recommendation to the School Board
Based on the committee’s findings and any additional information deemed appropriate, the superintendent shall present a recommendation to the school board.
Contact Us
To contact Albemarle County Public Schools regarding the naming or renaming of a school or the naming review process, please email