PowerSchool & PowerTeacher
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Families & Students
PowerSchool Public Portal
The PowerSchool Public Portal allows families to view information contained in the ACPS PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS). Types of information available through the portal are: school announcements, attendance, grades (current and historical), and schedules. The portal is also used by families and students to manage course requests for middle and high school.
- Creating Parent Portal Account (video)
Crear una nueva cuenta de Portal de Padres PowerSchool (video)
- Add Student to Account (video)
Agregar estudiantes a la cuenta del Portal de Padres en PowerSchool (video)
Online Access to Elementary Report Cards:
Can't Log In?
If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the Forgot Username or Password?
If you're unable to log in to the PowerSchool Public Portal, reach out to the Service Desk at 434-975-9444 to reset your ACPS network password. If you've enrolled for the service, you can also reset your password using the Self-Service Password Reset tool.
PowerTeacher is the PowerSchool teacher portal. In PowerTeacher, teachers can record attendance, review student data, print reports, and access the PowerTeacher Pro (PTP) gradebook. In PTP, teachers can view classes, create assignments, enter assignment scores, analyze student performance, and print reports.
For assistance with PowerSchool and PowerTeacher access, contact the SIS Contact in your school's front office.
For assistance with PowerTeacher and the PowerTeacher Pro gradebook, contact the designated teacher training lead at your school.
PowerTeacher Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
One of my students is not appearing in my sections in the gradebook, what do I do?
Confirm with office staff that the student has been scheduled into the class in PowerSchool.
One of my students has dropped my class, how can I see them and enter grades?
In the charms menu, click the Students icon and select Show Dropped in the top right corner.
I just entered an assignment and it is not appearing in the term, where is it?
Verify that the assignment date is within the term date range.
How do I set up my Gradebook?
If you are using a points-based grading setup, that is the default gradebook setup. For category setup, follow these directions.
PowerSchool is the district's Student Information System (SIS). It is the central repository for various student records such as schedules, attendance, grades, report cards, and transcripts.