Digital Citizenship
Good Digital Citizens are individuals who use technology responsibly, safely, and in a way which contributes positively to their digital communities. As providers of various technologies to our students, Albemarle County Public Schools believes that it is our responsibility to partner with students, families and teachers to provide strategies, resources and curricula which cultivate healthy habits of technology use. We hope that you find the resources on this page helpful in bringing a positive culture of Digital Citizenship into your home or classroom.
Navigating your children through the world of digital citizenship is no easy task. Here at Albemarle County Public Schools, we strive to keep the bridge between school and home strong and supported. This section is dedicated to providing you with the resources to help establish a positive environment when it comes to your child’s technology and media use.
- ACPS Family Field Guide
- Common Sense Media
- Developing a Family Media Plan
- Setting up Content Filters at Home
- Webinars
- Making the Most of Screen Time
ACPS Family Field Guide
We believe in being open about the policies and procedures for technology use in our division. The purpose of this guide is to help answer any questions you may have as a family, as well as provide you with resources for raising a healthy digital citizen. In it you will find ACPS-specific information and policies, as well as resources and conversation starters in a series of topics related to digital citizenship.
Common Sense Media
Albemarle County Public Schools recommends Common Sense Media® as an ongoing digital support for parents to research, explore, and learn about how to best support children in their responsible, ethical, effective, and safe use of technology and media.
A few key parent and guardian resources found on the Common Sense website are highlighted below.
Parent Concerns Page: guidelines for handling digital dilemmas around topics such as Screen Time, Cyberbullying, Privacy and Internet Safety, popular social media tools like Instagram, Learning with Technology, and Special Needs and Learning Difficulties.
Essential Apps Guide: a great resource geared towards assisting parents and guardians with gauging the learning, safety, and fun value of educational apps and games.
Parent Blog: includes tips and articles about online behavior, technology reviews, and other trending topics.
Coronavirus Support: includes articles about “parenting, media, and everything in between” during distance learning and living.
En Español: te ayudamos a manejar la tecnología en la vida de tus hijos.
Developing a Family Media Plan
Need help with finding the right balance of media use in your household? The American Academy of Pediatrics provides resources and recommendations for building a customized media plan which best suits your family. Use the resources below to help you get started:
American Academy of Pediatrics: Create Your Own Family Media Plan
En Español: Cree Su Plan Para el Consumo Mediático
American Academy of Pediatrics: Recommendations for Children's Media Use
Setting up Content Filters at Home
While students use the ACPS network, we have a filtering system in place to ensure that your child is as protected as possible from inappropriate content. While at home, students use your network’s filter, which will likely be less restrictive. Should you prefer to adjust your personal network’s filter, please refer to the guides below to learn how to do so on common service providers. When editing your filter, please consider allowing sites which your child’s teacher(s) may use for instructional materials.
UPCOMING: 2nd Annual Virtual Family Technology Night
Managing Screen Time, Getting a Cell Phone, Cyberbullying, Social Media & More
Designed for K-8 families
This webinar was held on December 1st, 2020.
Social Media, Gaming & Mental Health
Designed for 6-12 families
This webinar was held on December 3rd, 2020.
Making the Most of Screen Time
Albemarle County Public Schools’ philosophy on Internet use in education is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communications as outlined in the Acceptable Use of Technology policy and applicable regulations. It is critical that all teachers and staff maintain a safe, flexible and effective learning environment for all students. The Digital Citizenship curriculum resources below are made available in an effort to assist educators with designing meaningful learning experiences for students around responsible, ethical, effective and safe use of technology.
Digital Citizenship K12 Lessons and Standards 2020-2021: Teachers, open this curriculum in Google Docs and add it to your Drive. Select the Seesaw or Schoology graphics to open these lessons in the appropriate platform.
As you go through school, you'll learn from your teachers and peers about what it means to be a good digital citizen in today's world through different lessons and activities. If you're looking for more fun ways to learn about digital citizenship, we suggest checking out the following games:
Elementary School
Interland from Google
Digital Passport from Common Sense Media
Middle School
Digital Passport from Common Sense Media
High School
Coming soon!
All ACPS schools have the option to become certified by Common Sense Media, the world's pre-eminent organization focused on Digital Citizenship and the foundation of our division's Digital Citizenship Curriculum. School faculty and administration can reach out to their school's Learning Technology Integrator if interested in pursuing this certification. Read more about becoming a Common Sense School below.
- What is a Common Sense School?
- Why become a Common Sense School?
- How does a school earn recognition as a Common Sense School?
What is a Common Sense School?
Why become a Common Sense School?
How does a school earn recognition as a Common Sense School?
The Common Sense Recognition Program provides a roadmap for schools to adopt a whole-community approach to digital citizenship by completing three steps:
LEARN by providing professional learning opportunities to educators.
DO by implementing schoolwide digital citizenship through student instruction and family outreach.
REFLECT on how becoming a Common Sense School has had an impact on your school community.
For more detailed information, see Common Sense Media's Certification Page, as well as their Digital Citizenship Implementation Guide. Alternatively, reach out to your school's Learning Technology Integrator for more information.