Individual Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP)
Jennifer Middlesworth
ISAEP Teacher
Phone: (434) 245-2419
Cell: (434) 409-0523
Internal Website for K12albemarle Staff:
The Individual Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP) is a Commonwealth of Virginia initiative to provide an opportunity for students ages 16-17 to work toward a General Education Development (GED®) Certificate and a vocational/career skill without dropping out of school. Students must be referred and must qualify to be admitted to the program. This program will be considered only after all measures to maintain students in a diploma program have been exhausted.
In accordance with the Code of Virginia, §22.1-254E., the purpose of the Individual Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP) program provides individualized educational services for eligible students 16 years of age and older as prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education. The program prepares qualifying secondary students to earn a high school equivalency credential while also developing career and technical skills. Students participating in an ISAEP program are counted in the average daily membership of the school division.
The ISAEP program provides an alternative pathway for qualifying secondary students to meet compulsory attendance requirements and complete high school by earning a high school equivalency (HSE) credential and preparing for a successful transition to postsecondary education and/or workforce opportunities.
The ISAEP program, according to the Code of Virginia, consists of six component parts. While students’ needs and individual plans may vary, all ISAEP programs must address the following:
- Provide career guidance counseling.
- Prepare students to successfully pass the HSE exam and earn a high school equivalency credential. Currently, the GED® test is the only approved HSE examination in Virginia.
- Provide career and technical education opportunities, which may include a variety of work-based learning experiences and enrollment in coursework with a goal to attain one or more Board-approved industry credentials. While there are a wealth of credentialing options available, at a minimum, students enrolled in an ISAEP program should be given an opportunity to earn a short-term career readiness credential, such as the Virginia Workplace Readiness Skills (WRS) for the Commonwealth Assessment or the National Career Readiness Certificate (CRC). ISAEP coordinators are expected to communicate and collaborate closely with their local and/or regional Career and Technical Education (CTE) departments to determine viable training and credentialing options available to meet the needs of students enrolled in the ISAEP program.
- Provide instruction to help students successfully meet the economics and personal finance course requirement. Course credit may be earned using a variety of instructional delivery methods. Options include taking a stand-alone course, a self-paced modular version of the course, or a virtual course. This requirement also may be met using a certification of competency approach. Students should be provided an opportunity to take the Working in Support of Education (W!SE) Test, which also leads to a board-approved credential.
- Provide students counseling on the economic impact of failing to complete high school.
- Ensure that students understand their options and the procedures for returning to the comprehensive school setting.
The Albemarle County Public Schools ISAEP program is designed to deliver all of the above-mentioned components to
ensure that students obtain the foundational skills necessary to prepare for successful entry into postsecondary education and the workforce.
B.J. Thomas
Special Education Teacher
(434) 974-8072
Kevin Kirst
Executive Director of Special Education and Student Services
(434) 974-5779