Center for Learning And Growth

The Center for Learning and Growth is the location of Albemarle County Public Schools alternative learning program.  The program is facilitated by teachers who provide FOCUS (Flexible, Optimal, Customized, Understanding and Strategic) educational services. 

"We support students in crisis or/and are in trauma
by figuring out what works for them,
which results in success."

The staff provide a specialized short-term intervention for students requiring alternative placement in grades 6-12. Students at the Center for Learning and Growth are enrolled there in response to behaviors that are felt to warrant such disciplinary action by the School Board, Superintendent and/or Superintendent Designee. The interventions provided by the staff are grounded in restorative practices, utilizing a genuine and caring relationship with each student in order to teach and promote problem solving to work through stressors, issues and conflict.  

The Center for Learning and Growth is located on the Ivy Creek School campus (225 Lambs Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901). However, it is its own independent program and NOT affiliated with Ivy Creek School other than sharing the building. Students attending the Center for Learning and Growth are offered the opportunity to continue their learning through a blend of face-to-face and computer based instruction.  The program offers small class size, a wide array of therapeutic supports and a caring staff dedicated to meeting the social and emotional needs of each student. 

The goals of the Center for Learning and Growth are as follows:

  • Assist students to become more responsible (get their needs met while allowing others to do the same); 
  • Assist students with individual academic achievement; and 
  • Assist students in improving social emotional development and decision-making.

Questions about the Center for Learning and Growth or the FOCUS Educational Services can be forwarded to:

Emily Uosseph
On-Site Program Administrator

Center for Learning and Growth Structures