Professional Development Reimbursement Program (PDRP)
This process has replaced the paper PDRP Application form. You are still required to make a reimbursement request prior to the start of your course or conference. This page will help you with the request process. For an overview of the professional development reimbursement program (including submission guidelines, deadlines, and reimbursement amounts), see the PDRP web page.
- For both courses and conferences, be sure to discuss your plans and receive approval from your principal. Once approved by your principal, you may proceed with the application.
- Once your course or conference is complete, return to your original request and submit the required documentation in order to receive full credit and reimbursement. Reimbursements will not be awarded until this step is complete.
- Course Credit submissions must include an electronic OFFICIAL transcript in order to receive PD points.
You can request that credit for a course or conference completed elsewhere (externally) be added to your transcript. If approved, you will receive the appropriate reimbursement and recertification points for your professional development conference or course.
Follow the steps Below:
Sign into the PLMS and select the External Credit Request tab located at the top of the screen.
2. Select New Request to create a new credit request.
3. Select the appropriate ApprovalType for your request.
Reimbursement Approval Types Include:
Professional Development Reimbursement: Course
Professional Development Reimbursement: Conference
4. Complete the credit request form, noting that all fields marked with an asterisk are required.
Then click Submit for Pre-Approval.
6. The Professional Development department will review and Pre-Approve or Deny your request. You will receive an email notification when this occurs. If your application is denied, you can revise and resubmit your request depending on the reason given for the denial. See the Revise a Denied Request tab for the steps to revise and resubmit a request.
Note: If you want to save your reimbursement request to complete at another time, select Close. When you are ready to finish your request, return to the External Credit Request tab and select the reimbursement request to resume editing.
Once the request is sent, the status will depend on its current approval state.
Statuses include:
Request Not Submitted: The request has gained pre-approval. It will remain in this status until the course or conference is complete and all reimbursement documentation has been submitted.
Pending Pre-Approval: The request is in the process of gaining approval from the Professional Development department.
Pending Credit Approval: The request has been pre-approved and reimbursement documents have been submitted. The request is ready to be reviewed for reimbursement processing.
Denied: The request has been denied. See the approver's notes for more information on the denial.
Approved: The request has been approved. Points will show on your transcript and reimbursement funds will be awarded.
7. When you have finished the course or conference, return to your original External Credit Request in the PLMS to upload all required documentation. It will be under the Pending/Denied Requests tab. Reimbursement funds and points cannot be awarded until this step is complete.
Please include screenshot from Google Maps showing starting and ending location and miles travelled
Then click Submit for Credit Approval.
9. Your submission will be reviewed and, if approved, submitted to Accounting for processing according to this schedule. Accounting issues reimbursements on the second paycheck of every month. You will receive an Approval Notification via email that will include the date you should receive your reimbursement.
Once you receive the Approval Notification, your request will have an approved status and be under the Approved tab. Additionally, PD points will appear on your transcript.