About ACPS Coaching
It has been said that the single most critical influence on student academic growth is the quality of the teacher in the classroom. How might a school division support best practices to meet the evolving needs of contemporary learners and to deliver sustained, meaningful professional development? ACPS designed an instructional coaching model to provide job-embedded professional development teachers, PLCs, and grade level teams. Instructional coaching is an essential part of our professional development offerings in ACPS -- for both the teachers and coaches.
Research shows that ongoing, job-embedded professional development has a greater impact on instructional practices than one-time events. Instructional coaches are partners that promote the transfer of teacher ideas into practice because they connect with teachers in the context of their classrooms. Click here to see the what you can expect from an instructional coach in ACPS
Teachers in ACPS may apply to become coaches in order to advance their own professional learning as well as support other teachers in their professional growth. Coaches return to an ACPS school after 3-5 years with a deepened set of collaborative skills.
Click here to the Edutopia video about ACPS Instructional Coaching (September 2015)