Parent Information
- How Can Parents Help at Home?
- Have conversations about reading and math where the need for these occur naturally (at the grocery store, during sporting events, while making dinner...anything that interests your child!)
- Set aside a special time every day to read to and with your child. Reread old favorites.
- Talk with your child about every book read. Encourage him/her to use descriptive language and talk about things that surprised him/her in the book, reminded him/her of something, or make your child curious to learn more.
- Listen to your child read to you.
- Write at home with your child. Ask your child to help you write shopping lists, reminders, messages, letters...anything that interests your child!
- Take your child to the public library. Get a free library card! Encourage your child to choose books on topics that interest him/her. If your child chooses books that are too challenging for him/her to read, read those aloud to him/her and discuss them.
- Talk to your child's teacher about sending home appropriate books for your child to read him/herself.
- Publications for Parents
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Here are many great home-school activities:
- Title I Parent Advisory Council
The Title I Parent Advisory Council meets to provide insights and ideas for improving Albemarle County's Title I Programs as well as time for networking and support among Title I parents. All parents of Title I children are welcome to attend meetings. If you are interested in serving as your school's parent representative, please contact the ACPS Title One Coordinator.
ACPS Title I Coordinator, Andrea Blount
Albemarle County Public Schools
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 296-5820