
Mission of Science in Albemarle County

The purpose of ACPS Science is to establish a community of learners who ask questions and design investigations in order to build a framework for problem solving and critical thinking.  We seek to increase engagement through experiences and inquiry-based instruction in order to spark students' curiosity as they participate in and reflect on their learning.

In ACPS, students do science by making use of the three dimensions of scientific literacy to make sens of phenomena and develop solutions to design problems. The three dimensions of scientific knowledge include core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. (NGSS, 2021) These dimensions work together to support students in inquiry and building deep and usable knowledge that can be used to solve future challenging problems and make sense of new phenomena they experience in their lives.

Elementary Science

Middle School Science

Click image to download. 

As employment opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) continue to expand in Virginia and throughout the United States, the selection of STEM courses in K-12 allow students to prepare for a variety of STEM careers.  The Game of STEM was developed to provide a sampling of potential STEM careers and to support students, counselors, and teachers as students determine course pathways.

High School Science

Grant Opportunities

Helpful Links

Katina Dudley
Lead Instructional Coach - Science
434-296-5820  ext. 13523