Preschool Application Information

The goal of the Albemarle County preschool programs is to provide comprehensive early childhood learning experiences for children with risk factors to promote student success. The Bright Stars Program, Early Childhood Special Education Program (ECSE), and the Head Start Program use a single application which can be accessed at

Program Eligibility Guidelines

Families must live in Albemarle County to participate in our preschool programs.

A child is eligible for Bright Stars & ECSE if…

A child is eligible for Head Start if…

  • The child will be 4 years old by September 30th.
  • The family is receiving SNAP, TANF, and/or SSI or has an income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, or
  • The family is homeless, or
  • Either parent/guardian did not graduate from high school or earn a GED, or
  • The child is eligible for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and has a current Individualized Education Program (IEP), or
  • Other risk factors exist that may impact the child’s ability to be successful in school and beyond.
  • The child will be 3 or 4 years old by September 30th.
  • The family is receiving SNAP, TANF, and/or SSI or has an income at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines*, or
  • The family is homeless, or
  • The family has a child in foster/kindship care.

*35% of enrollment can be filled with children whose family’s FPL is between 101-130%; 10% of enrollment can be filled with children whose family’s FPL is over 130%; Children with disability concerns or diagnoses are prioritized for over-income placements.

For questions regarding preschool
in Albemarle County contact…

Lisa Molinaro
ACPS Preschool Lead Coach
434-296-5820, ext.13524

Carol Fox
ACDSS Program Supervisor

Joyce Frye,
CDI-Head Start
Family Community Engagement Specialist

Jennifer Durrett
CDI-Head Start
Family Advocate

Students pose for a photo on the playground.
A student looks at a science project with a magnifying glass.



  • Families will be notified about program eligibility and acceptance by mid-May.
  • Applications are accepted year-round, and a waitlist is kept, to fill vacancies as they occur.
  • Programs follow the elementary school days and hours and the ACPS calendar.

Begin by completing an application for our Albemarle County Preschool programs:

Paper Application (2024-2025)

For more information, refer to the ACPS Preschool Programs FAQs page!