Frequently Asked Questions
Click a question to display the answer.
- What does EL stand for?
- Why does the EL Program exist?
- How does the International & EL Welcome Center identify students who need support in learning English as an additional language?
- What type of support do ELs receive? What is the difference between virtual and hybrid learning? What does EL support look like in each format?
- Can parents opt out of EL support?
- How do schools determine when a child no longer needs EL support?
- What are the different English language proficiency levels?
- How can families support ELs' learning at home?
- Can children from other countries move in with friends or family members in order to attend school in Albemarle County?
- What study abroad opportunities exist in Albemarle County Public Schools?
- What do families need to know about registering their children for school?