EDEP Contact Information

In order to obtain general program information, you should call the individual school's EDEP telephone number. The staff will check the answering machine periodically and return calls in a timely manner.

EDEP Telephone Numbers

Name Phone Number
EDEP Administrative Office 434-296-5840
Agnor 434-973-0377
Baker Butler 434-974-4702
Broadus Wood 434-973-1914
Brownsville 434-823-6520
Crozet 434-823-6603
Greer* 434-973-0595
Hollymead 434-973-8997
Meriwether Lewis 434-971-1648
​Mountain View ​434-295-4054
V. L. Murray 434-977-0300
Red Hill 434-979-7746
Scottsville 434-974-8042
Stone Robinson 434-296-4296
Stony Point 434-973-8810



*Student Holiday Program site 

EDEP Office