Equity Education Policy
The Albemarle County School Board believes that equity in opportunities and accessibility to our programs, services, and resources is critical to the achievement of all students. The Board values the diversity in our community and staff, seeks to develop a capacity for cultural competence and a commitment to equity and inclusion to enable the fulfillment of our mission.
The Board believes that for students to respect and value diversity, they must experience adults who are reflective of the varied cultures and backgrounds that make up our community and nation. Diversity includes diversity of thought, diversity of values, and diversity of perspectives and includes protected classes as outlined in Policy AC, Nondiscrimination.
The Albemarle County School Board is committed to:
1. Adopting accountability measures to ensure our school community is inclusive of diversity, cultural values, and family belief systems as directed through Division strategic initiatives and as outlined in Policy AC, Nondiscrimination.
2. Ensuring that staff are demonstrating respect for diversity through daily actions and decision making, including but not limited to the definitions in policies ACC, AntiRacism, and Policy JBA, Policy on the Treatment of Transgender and Gender Expansive Students.
3. Ensuring equity of opportunity and equity of access to programs, services, and resources.
4. Providing opportunities and support for all staff to embody culturally responsive, antiracist, and gender-inclusive educational practices and decision making.
This commitment will prevail in all of its policies and practices concerning staff, students, educational programs and services, and individuals and entities with whom the Board does business.
The Board shall oversee the implementation and impact of inclusive cultural, racial, and gender competencies through:
1. Approved staff development for all classified staff, administrators, and teachers.
2. Tracking of existing disparities based on past institutional practices to include but not limited to Achievement, enrollment in certain classes, discipline, graduation rates, gifted identification, and talent development services, and special education as per our Division equity tables.
3. A Superintendent and School Board Diversity and Equity Advisory Committee to organize feedback for accountability from diverse affinity groups at the student, staff, and community levels.
Adopted: November 8, 2001
Amended: September 10, 2015
Reviewed: July 12, 2007; September 23, 2021
Equity Review: September 23, 2021
Cross References:
AC, Nondiscrimination
ACC, Anti-Racism
AE, School Division Goals and Objectives
JB, Equal Educational Opportunities