Update: Exploring Changes to the High School Schedule

Update: Exploring Changes to the High School Schedule

The following message was shared with students in grades 8-11 and their families.

Dear Families & Students:

As part of our commitment to helping students thrive, our school division’s strategic plan says that we will investigate the value of implementing a seven-period academic schedule in our high schools, with one additional period devoted to student enrichment or academic support (intervention). Last month, we presented an option to our school board on how to accomplish this commitment. The proposal was designed to provide more time during the school day for teachers to work with individual students while reducing workload stress on teachers and students.

In response, the school board asked us to again reach out to students and teachers for their current views of this idea. We conducted two online surveys, one for students and a separate teacher survey.

Nearly 2,700 students in grades 8-11 participated in the student survey, with 48% in favor of keeping the current eight-period class schedule, 19% supporting the seven-period class schedule, and the remaining students not expressing a preference. We received 282 responses from teachers, with 49% in support of a seven-period class schedule, 35% favoring no change in the current eight-period class schedule, and 16% who said they would support either schedule.

Additionally, the school board received several statements of opposition to a seven-period academic schedule from students and parents, who primarily said a seven-period schedule would reduce opportunities for students to take electives.

At last evening’s school board meeting, board members and school division leaders determined that now is not the time to change to a “7+1” model. It was agreed that we should continue to explore more creative opportunities for teachers to work with students while protecting student choice and improving their learning experience. As we discuss how to achieve these goals over the next year, we will work closely with faculty, students and families in sharing ideas and information and in welcoming suggestions.

We appreciate that this was an important decision for our staff, our students, and their families, and we are grateful for all who contributed to the school board decision.

Have a safe and enjoyable winter break.

Jay Thomas
Executive Director of Secondary Education