Facilities We Support

The Department of Building Services supports four high schools, five middle schools, 16 elementary schools, two service facilities, and the PREP/Ivy Creek School. The indoor surface of 2,411,586 square feet is included in the total number of 606.4​ acres. Please consult the tables below for specific information.

High Schools

Square Feet​
No. of Acres​
***​Albemarle High School
Monticello High School​
​Western Albemarle High School
Community Lab School
Total: High Schools


Middle Schools

Facility Square Feet​ No. of Acres​
Burley Middle School 125,874 ​15.3
**Henley Middle School​ ​127,051 ​30.0
*Lakeside Middle School​ 94,440 ​21.0
***​Journey Middle School 95,332 ​20.0
Walton Middle School​ ​98,340 ​50.0
Totals: Middle Schools 541,037 ​136.3



Elementary Schools

Facility SQ. Feet​ # of Acres​
Agnor-Hurt Elem. School​ 79,825 19.5
Baker-Butler Elem. School​ 91,548 ​55.0
Broadus Wood Elem. School​ 52,950 ​11.7
**Brownsville Elem. School​ 101,046 ​20.0
Crozet Elem. School​ ​90,653 ​21.2
***Greer Elem. School​ 98,737 ​15.0
*Hollymead Elem. School​ ​72,543 ​20.1
Ivy Elem. School​ ​56,450 ​17.1
Mountain View Elem. School 97,222 16.1
Murray Elem. School​ ​43,057 ​20.9
Red Hill Elem. School​ ​37,460 ​10.9
Scottsville Elem. School​ 49,534 ​15.0
Stone-Robinson Elem. School​ ​71,100 ​11.3
Stony Point Elem. School​ 42,214 ​11.6
Woodbrook Elem. School​ ​84,163 ​12.0
Totals, Elementary Schools ​1,066,010 ​278



All Schools, Total

SQ. Feet​ # of Acres​
2,414,078 606.4​


Other Facilities

Facility SQ. Feet​ # of Acres​
***PREP/Ivy Creek School ​20,000
***Vehicle Maintenance​ ​18,824 ​15.0
***Building Services​ ​9,778 ​3.0
Service Facilities & PREP Total​ ​48,602 ​18.0

*   Facilities share a 41.07 Acre Site
**  Facilities share a 50.0 Acre Site
*** Facilities share a 216.762 Acre Site