Capital Improvement Program

The Building Services Department oversees the budgeting, planning and management of Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects for the School Division.  To learn more about current Capital Improvement Program, view the Current Adopted budget.

Each year the Long Range Planning Advisory Committee (LRPAC) meets to analyze data and to generate recommendations to submit to the Superintendent and the School Board concerning the CIP. Visit the Long-Range Planning Advisory Committee page to learn more about the committee and its current work.

What is a Capital Project?

A capital project is a project that has a useful life span of ten years or more, and meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • Provides for the acquisition or construction of any physical facility for the community, to include consultant or professional services related to acquisition or construction.
  • Provides for the acquisition of equipment for any physical facility when first constructed or acquired.
  • Provides for the ongoing acquisition of major capital equipment or systems; i.e., computer technology, radio systems.
  • Provides for the acquisition of land or an interest in land.
  • Provides for the acquisition of public utilities.
  • Funds expenditures, including additions to existing facilities, that increase the square footage or value of a facility.
  • Fund expenditures for major maintenance or replacement projects on existing facilities.

A capital maintenance or replacement project is a project to repair, maintain, or replace existing capital facilities for the purpose of protecting the County’s investment and minimizing future maintenance and replacement costs. To be classified as a non-recurring maintenance project, a project must have an interval between expenditures of at least five years. Individual maintenance, repair, and replacement projects are not presented as separate CIP projects, but are submitted by departments as one line item for each year of the five year period.

Since technology purchases typically have a useful life of three to five years, these purchases are funded in the Capital Budget on a "pay-as-you-go" basis from current revenues, or other, non-borrowed sources of funding, such as state revenues (when available) or other local non-General Fund revenues.

Looking for information on a completed project? To see an archive of major construction, maintenance, and renovation updates finalized in previous years, click here!



Current CIP Projects

High School Center II

ACPS has contracted with Quinn Evans Architects and is in the midst of designing Center II. Center II will be approximately 60,000 square feet and will serve up to 400 students per day. This new school facility will be housed on the Lambs Lane Campus near Albemarle High School. For more information on Center II, check out the project webpage here!

New Elementary School

Albemarle County Public Schools is designing and constructing its first new elementary school in 20 years!

The new school will be located within the Mountain View district, behind the Monticello Fire & Rescue Station, and across from Monticello High School. For more information, see the project webpage here.

Albemarle High School Connector Wing

Outlined as a priority in the 2022 Albemarle and Western Albemarle High School Master Plan, a connecting corridor is in design for the second floor of Albemarle High School. The connector will improve circulation throughout the building, add classroom capacity, and provide improved teacher professional space. The project concept involves a 1,500 square foot renovation inside the existing building with a 6,295 square foot addition/expansion that includes 6 additional classrooms, and adds additional space dedicated to teachers.