Our Departments

The departments of Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) serve, guide, and provide resources and services to our students, parents, teachers, partners, and community.

If you have a school-related question or concern, your first point of contact should be your child's school.

Superintendent's Office

Superintendent of Schools: Dr. Matthew S. Haas​
(434) 296-5826

Office of Instruction

Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Chandra Hayes
(434) 296-5820

Office Phone
Adult, Homeless, & Migrant Education (434) 296-3872
Elementary and Secondary Education (Core Instructional Areas) (434) 296-5820
International & ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) (434) 296-6517
Preschool Programs (434) 296-5820
Response to Intervention (434) 296-5820
School Health Services (434) 296-5885
Special Education and Student Services (434) 296-5885
Title I (434) 296-5888


Organizational Development and Human Resource Leadership

Assistant Superintendent for Organizational Development and Human Resource Leadership: Dr. Cla​re Keiser
(434) 296-5820

Office Phone
Human Resources (434) 296-5827
Professional Learning (434) 296-5820


School and Community Engagement

Assistant Superintendent for School Community Engagement: Dr. Daphne Keiser
(434) 296-5820

Office Phone
Community & Driver Education/Open Doors (434) 975-9450
Community Relations (434) 296-5820
Equity & Diversity (434) 296-5820
Extended Day Enrichment Programs (EDEP) (434) 296-5840


Office of Strategic Communications

Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Office: Dr. Helen Dunn
(434) 249-7563

Strategic Planning, Accountability & Research, and Program Evaluation

Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Patrick McLaughlin
(434) 296-5820

Office​ Phone
Accountability & Research (434) 296-5280
Strategic Planning (434) 296-5280



Chief Operating Officer: Ms. Rosalyn Schmitt
(434) 296-5820

Office​ Phone
Budget & Planning (434) 296-5820
Building Services (434) 975-9340
Child Nutrition Program (434) 295-0566
Long-Range Planning​ (434) 296-5820
Transportation Services​ (434) 973-5716
Office of School Safety and Security (434) 296-5820

Department of Technology​

Chief Technology Officer: Dr. Christine Diggs
(434) 872-4569

Office Phone
Enterprise Applications (434) 872-4569
Infrastructure (434) 872-4569
Learning Technology (434) 872-4569
School Technology Support (434) 872-4569
