Athletics & Interscholastic Competition
Athletics & Other Interscholastic Competition
Organized extracurricular activities are open to all students in good standing and are voluntary. Extracurricular activities include student organizations, athletics, and other interscholastic competitions that contribute to the fulfillment of the educational objectives of the School Division. All extracurricular groups are required to follow all Division policies, guidelines and rules. No activity may be in conflict with state accreditation standards.
Every high school has a comprehensive athletic program consisting of junior varsity and varsity teams that compete in district, regional, and for varsity-level teams, state competitions. For a brochure on eligibility requirements, contact your child’s school. Middle schools offer a limited athletic program consisting of three sports. For more information, check with your child’s school. Among other criteria for participation, student athletes must have had a recent medical examination and must have written parent permission.
Interscholastic athletic programs approved by the School Board are available to all eligible secondary students. Interscholastic athletic activities are conducted in accordance with the rules of the Virginia High School League (VHSL) as approved by the School Board.
Students attending middle school are not permitted to participate in any activity or sport at the varsity level. Eighth grade students may try out and/or participate on high school sub-varsity athletic teams with the approval of their school principal and provided that cuts have not been made.
Other Interscholastic Competition
All other competition between secondary schools governed by the VHSL shall be conducted in accordance with its rules. The School Board encourages and supports this type of competition within the financial limits of the budget.
For more information, visit the Virginia High School League website.