Attendance Areas

Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) determines which of our 15 elementary schools, 5 comprehensive middle schools, and 3 comprehensive high schools your child will attend based primarily on your physical (home) address.

Residents can learn which schools serve a particular area by searching for a street address in Albemarle County's GIS Web Viewer. Once a property is identified, users can select "Other Parcel Characteristics" in the Details menu on the right side of the page to view the elementary, middle and high school districts associated with that property.

Alternatively, residents can review our school district maps to get an idea of which schools serve a particular area:

*NOTE: Please check the 2023-24 Redistricting Advisory Committee page for information on changed boundaries for Agnor, Baker-Butler, Hollymead, Stony Point, Stone-Robinson and Woodbrook elementary schools.

Additional maps can be accessed on Albemarle County's County Maps web page.

Important Note: While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, please note that school districts listed on the GIS Web application are unofficial. Any official decision about which school district a particular house or parcel belongs to must be made by the ACPS Transportation Services Department at (434) 973-5716.

Learn about School Attendance Area Waiver Requests »

Educational Offerings Available to All Attendance Areas

ACPS offers students the opportunity to participate in unique courses and explore career pathways of interest at a location other than their base school. In this scenario, students remain eligible to participate in athletics and extracurricular activities at their base school. By eliminating geography from the equation, ACPS is expanding student access to engaging, meaningful and relevant learning opportunities.

Community Lab School

ACPS operates a charter school, Community Lab School, that serves students in grades 6-12. Community Lab School focuses on deeper learning through interdisciplinary, project-based, and experiential approaches to instruction. Any student (grade 6-12) who is eligible to enroll in Albemarle County Public Schools can apply to attend Community Lab School.

Career Learning Communities

ACPS offers several Career Learning Communities (CLCs) that encourage students in grades 10-12 to explore career pathways based on their interests. CLCs are designed to broaden learning opportunities for students and prepare students for college and career through interactive, project-based, and work-based learning. CLCs are hosted at all three comprehensive high schools (Albemarle, Monticello, and Western Albemarle), as well as Community Lab School, Center I, and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Technical Education Center (CATEC). Any student (grade 10-12) who is eligible to enroll in Albemarle County Public Schools can enroll in a CLC during the course registration process with their school counselor.

Center I

Center I is the site for our Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Career Learning Community. ICT offers a collection of courses for students in grades 10-12 designed both to meet core graduation requirements and to develop talent within such fields as cybersecurity, game design, and media communications. ICT teachers use project-based learning to develop learning experiences that increase student interest and engagement. Center I is intentionally located in a business and industrial complex to facilitate opportunities for students to interact with and learn from successful businesses through work-based learning. Any student (grade 10-12) who is eligible to enroll in Albemarle County Public Schools can enroll in the Information & Communication Technology Career Learning Community during the course registration process with their school counselor.


In partnership with Charlottesville City Schools, ACPS offers the opportunity for high school students to receive specialized training in a variety of career fields through the Charlottesville Area Technical Education Center (CATEC). These offerings supplement Career and Technical Education (CTE) offerings at our high schools and include both traditional technical training and emerging fields. Students are enrolled in their base high school (determined by school attendance area) and take classes at CATEC during the school day.

Additional Program Offerings

ACPS students also attend programs available at the Center for Learning & Growth, Post High, Ivy Creek School, and the Piedmont Regional Education Program (PREP).

Note: Students who attend classes at a location other than their base school remain eligible to participate in performances, athletics and activities at their base high school.