PowerSchool Parent Portal
PowerSchool Parent Portal Guide
PDF versions of the Parent Portal Guide:
The PowerSchool Parent Portal allows parents, guardians, and other appropriate individuals to view information contained in the ACPS PowerSchool student information system (SIS). Some of the types of information available through this portal are: school announcements, attendance, grades (current and historical), and schedules. The portal will also be used by parents and students to manage course requests for middle and high school.
Accessing the Portal
The portal can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet. You will use an Internet browser to access the portal at: https://sis.k12albemarle.org/public
ACPS recommends that you use one of the following browsers Internet Explorer (version 8 or later), Firefox (version 3.6 or later), or Safari (version 4 or later). Other browsers may work, but are not officially supported.
Creating Your Portal Account and Logging In
- Creating Parent Portal Account (video)
- Crear una nueva cuenta de Portal de Padres PowerSchool (video)
- Add Student to Account (video)
- Agregar estudiantes a la cuenta del Portal de Padres en PowerSchool (video)
Access Keys
You must have an Access Key to create a portal account. Access Keys consist of an Access ID and an Access Password. Schools distribute Access Keys to parents, so if you need your student’s portal Access Key, please contact your student’s school.
Access Keys are unique for each student. If you have more than one student you will receive a separate Access Key for each student. You can create your account with one Access Key and add other students at a later date when you receive additional Access Keys.
Anyone with a student’s Access Key can access that student’s information through the portal, so protect the Access Key information as you would protect other confidential information. Multiple individuals can create accounts that the same student (e.g. each parent could have their own portal account). If other individuals wish to create their own accounts for a student, they will need to use the same Access Key.
Students will receive their own portal account, so there is no need to share your account information with students.
Creating an Account
When you navigate to the portal login page for the first time, you will need to create a portal account. You will be selecting a username and password that you will use to access the portal, so decide on this information ahead of time. You will want to choose a username and a password that you will remember.
- Navigate to the Portal login page
- Click the Create Account button
- Enter your last name
- Enter your email address. This email address will be used to send you information about your portal account and will also be used for any grade and attendance emails that you request.
- Enter your desired username. You will want to make it something that you will remember. If you enter a username that is already in use or is not valid, you will be prompted to choose another username when you submit the form.
- Enter your desired password. The password must follow the rules outlined on the page. (Examples of special characters include: !, @, #, $, %, &, and *)
- Enter your student’s first and last name exactly as it appears on the letter you received from the school containing the Access Keys
- Enter the Access ID exactly as it appears on the letter you received from the school containing the Access Keys
- Enter the Access Password exactly as it appears on the letter you received from the school containing the Access Keys. The Access Password is case-sensitive.
- Select the relationship that best describes your relationship to the student you are linking to.
- You can enter multiple students if you have Access Keys for each student. You can also add additional students to your account at a later time.
- Click Enter.
- If there are errors, or items that need to be changed the page will reappear and indicate the changes that need to be made. You will need to re-enter the Access Password for each student after you make the changes.
- If your account was successfully created, you will be redirected to the portal login page.
Logging In
Once you have created your account and are on the portal login page, you will enter the username and password that you created when you set up your account to access the portal. The password is case-sensitive, so be sure to enter it exactly as you entered it when you set up your account. Once you have successfully logged in you will arrive at the default portal page, which for most schools will be the school bulletin
Be sure to sign out using the link in the top right corner when you are done. Signing out and closing your browser will prevent others from gaining access to your portal account. This is especially important if you are using a computer in a public space.
Navigating the Portal
All navigation in the portal will begin with the icons on the left side of the screen, or the list of students across the top of the screen. You can use the Help link in the top right corner to access online help resources.
Changing Screens
The links listed under Navigation on the left-hand side of the screen will help you access different information about your student. Click on a link to change to that screen. The active screen is highlighted in blue.
Provides information about a student’s current year grades and attendance. |
Provides information about a student’s stored (historical) grades. |
Provides detailed attendance information for the current term. |
Allows for the setup and management of automatic email preferences. |
Provides access to any comments teachers have entered for a student.(Select appropriate term). |
Provides access to information that the school has chosen to publish as informational bulletins. |
Provides access to course selections for the upcoming school year. |
Provides information about a student’s lunch and fee balances. |
Provides detailed bus stop information, including pickup and dropoff times and locations. |
Provides test scores for a student. (Currently limited to select state and national tests). |
Provides a copy of a student’s current schedule. |
Provides contact information for the school that a student attends. |
Allows for the management of your portal account. You can change account information and manage student links. |
Clicking on the blue hyperlinks found on pages will give you additional information about that item. For example, clicking on a link for a grade in Grades and Attendance will provide you with details about the assignments that make up that grade. Clicking on the assignments will provide you with details about the assignment if the teacher has entered any additional details. Clicking on the teacher’s name will launch your default email application and address a new email to the teacher.
Changing Students
If you have more than one student associated with your account you can change students by selecting a name at the top of the screen. See Managing Student Links for more information about adding additional students. The currently selected student is highlighted in blue. You may have different navigation options or available information with students who are at different schools.
Email Notifications
Information about grades, assignments, attendance, and school announcements can be automatically emailed to you on a regular schedule. The preferences for this are managed on the Email Notification screen. Select the types of information you want emailed to you, and the frequency of the emails and click Submit. By default, the notifications are sent to the address that you entered when you created your portal account. You can enter additional email addresses to receive the notifications
Online Access to Elementary Report Cards:
- Accessing the Report Card in the Parent Portal
- Acceso a la boleta de calificaciones en el portal para padres
- 在家长门户中访问成绩单
Changing Preferences
General Preferences
You can change your password, email address, or other portal account information on the Account Preferences screen. Modify any information by entering new information and clicking the Save button. Modify your username of password by clicking on the hyperlink or pencil icon next to the appropriate field. Click the save button to record your changes.
Managing Student Links
You can get a list of students currently associated to your account by clicking on the Students tab on the Account Preferences screen. Clicking on the Add+ button will bring up a screen that will allow you to enter the Access key information for additional students. Be sure to click Submit when you are finished entering the information. Each student has unique Access Keys, so you will need the Access key information for each student you wish to add.
What to Do If You Have Problems
General Questions
If you have questions about your student’s grades, you should contact the teacher. If you have questions about your student’s attendance, you should contact the school’s attendance office. If you need other assistance with the parent portal, you should contact your student’s school using the contact information provided on the letter that contained the Access Key for your student. The school is prepared to assist you with most issues surrounding the portal. They will not be able to provide support for technical issues related to your Internet connection or browser configuration.
Forgotten Passwords
If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the “Having trouble signing in?” link on the Sign In page. This will take you to a form where you can enter information to have your password reset. You will need to have access to the email account you used to create your portal account as the system will send an email to that account with a link to click to reset your password. If you no longer have access to the email account that you used to create your portal account, you will need to contact the school to have a new email address associated with your portal account.