Homebound-Homebased Services for Families

At times, students are not healthy enough, physically or psychologically, to attend school, yet the school expectations are still in place.  In order to ensure that students can continue to succeed in school homebound instruction may be needed.

Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) Homebound Instruction Program is designed to provide continuity of educational services between the home/hospital for students who must be confined due to a medical need, either physical or psychological, that contraindicates school attendance for a limited period (2 weeks — one grading period). Homebound services based on medical need are for student illness/injury only; services are not provided to compensate for absences related to family care or illness.  The goal of homebound services is to keep the student current with classroom instruction and to facilitate the student’s current classroom setting as soon as possible.

Occasionally, students receive homebound/homebased services as a result of a decision made by the Superintendent’s designee in an administrative hearing and/or by an I.E.P. team.  In these cases, the length of time of the homebound service will be determined by the administrator and/or the I.E.P. team.

Communication amongst the student’s school staff, the family, the homebound teacher, and the homebound coordinators is the key to success during the student’s time with homebound services.  

All forms and the handbook can be found on this site. The handbook may be shared with families and medical personnel.

Questions about homebound instruction may be directed to the Homebound Coordinator or the contact at each school.


» Homebound-Homebased Handbook (Word)

» Homebound-Homebased Training

» Homebound-Homebased Instruction for Medical Necessity Request Form (PDF)

» Solicitud de Necesidad Médica de Instrucción en el Hogar

Ashby Kindler
Homebound Coordinator
(434) 249-6491