Inclement Weather FAQs
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- How many of Albemarle's students live on roads that become inaccessible with even a small amount of snow?
- When the weather has cleared and traffic is moving well in the urban ring, are there really a lot of roads in the county that are not accessible? Where are these roads? How about a map to show were they are?
- If there is a two-hour delay, how much and in what way does it help road conditions? It doesn't seem to matter in the suburban areas.
- Why do schools up north hold school in conditions that would close our schools?
- Why can't the school division require parents who live on unpaved roads to bring their children out to the main roads for bus travel to school?
- Are there any laws that require the schools to close if they cannot run their bus service or that require the schools to service every area, no matter how remote?
- Is the decision to close school influenced by financial considerations? For example, are schools closed because absenteeism would reduce funding for the school division?
- Are school buses more prone to accidents than other vehicles on snow days? Everyone seems to think that SUVs and larger vehicles are safer than smaller vehicles, so why isn't the same true for school buses?
- Are there any national standards on school bus safety and road conditions?