Required Notifications
Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) provides this page to meet federal, state, and Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) requirements for notifications, public hearings, and postings.
Note: If a policy link is broken, it may have been updated since the last review of this page. You can access all policies on our ElectronicSchoolBoard (ESB) site under "Policies & Regs," using the drop-down menu to search by section, code or title.
Parents or guardians can request a printed copy of any required notification by contacting the school division's central office at 434-296-5820 or by visiting the County Office Building at 401 McIntire Road, 3rd Floor, Charlottesville.
- Asbestos
- Availability of School Division Policies and Regulations
- Budget
- Child Nutrition Programs
- Code of Student Conduct, Compulsory Attendance Law, Parental Responsibility and Involvement
- Cost per Pupil
- Counseling
- Credits Required for Graduation
- Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement Classes, and Special Programs
- Eating Disorders Awareness Information
- Emergency Procedures
- English Learners
- Fees
- FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
- Gifted Education Plan
- Graduation Requirements
- High School Credit-Bearing Courses Taken in Middle School
- Homeless Students
- Internet Privacy
- Learning Objectives
- National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
- Nondiscrimination
- Parent and Family Engagement Policy
- Possible Exposure to Viral Infections
- Postsecondary Education and Employment Data
- PPRA (Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment)
- Promotion, Retention and Remediation Policies
- Prosecution of Juveniles as Adults
- Pupil/Teacher Ratios
- Release of Student Records to Armed Forces Recruiters and Educational Institutions
- Report Cards/Quality Profiles
- Retention and Destruction of Student Records
- School Bus Rider Safety Rules
- Scoliosis
- Services for Students Identified as Deaf or Hard of Hearing or Visually Impaired
- Sex Offender Registry
- Special Education
- Standards of Learning (SOLs)
- Student Achievement
- Student Overdoses
- Teacher Qualifications
- Testing Transparency and Parent Opt Out
- Tobacco and Nicotine Vapor Products
- Voluntary Retirement Savings Programs (403(b) Plans)
- Wellness Policies
- Youth Health Risk Behavior Survey
Availability of School Division Policies and Regulations
Child Nutrition Programs
Code of Student Conduct, Compulsory Attendance Law, Parental Responsibility and Involvement
Cost per Pupil
Credits Required for Graduation
Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement Classes, and Special Programs
Eating Disorders Awareness Information
Emergency Procedures
English Learners
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
Gifted Education Plan
Graduation Requirements
High School Credit-Bearing Courses Taken in Middle School
Homeless Students
Internet Privacy
Learning Objectives
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Possible Exposure to Viral Infections
Postsecondary Education and Employment Data
PPRA (Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment)
Promotion, Retention and Remediation Policies
Prosecution of Juveniles as Adults
Pupil/Teacher Ratios
Release of Student Records to Armed Forces Recruiters and Educational Institutions
Report Cards/Quality Profiles
Retention and Destruction of Student Records
School Bus Rider Safety Rules
Services for Students Identified as Deaf or Hard of Hearing or Visually Impaired
Sex Offender Registry
Special Education
Standards of Learning (SOLs)
Student Achievement
Student Overdoses
Teacher Qualifications
Testing Transparency and Parent Opt Out
Tobacco and Nicotine Vapor Products
Voluntary Retirement Savings Programs (403(b) Plans)
Wellness Policies
Youth Health Risk Behavior Survey
Public Hearings
- Alternatives to Animal Dissection
- Bill of Rights
- Child Abuse Reporting
- Comprehensive Plan
- Fair Labor Standards Act
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
- Minimum Wage
- National Motto
- Online Courses and Programs
- Pregnancy, Childbirth and Related Medical Conditions
- Reasonable Accommodations for Disabilities
- USERRA (Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act)
- Virginia Unemployment Compensation Act
- Workers' Compensation