At the heart of a strong community is a thriving public school system. Albemarle County Public Schools is dedicated to building private partnerships in support of each student. Albemarle County citizens not only support our schools through their tax dollars, but through generous donations that allow us to offer excellent facilities and enhanced learning opportunities for our students.
There are multiple ways to engage philanthropically with the Division. Albemarle County Public Schools accepts cash, checks, and property donations.
How can I donate?
Albemarle Foundation for Education Donation
As ACPS’ designated 501(c)(3) partner, the AFE leverages philanthropic support to invest in new ideas, propel promising ventures, and scale proven practices across the division. AFE’s mission is generate a community commitment to helping each student thrive. Click here to learn more and donate.
Specific School or ACPS Donation
Donors may send the donation through a specific school, or to the following address:
Department of Fiscal Services
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Donors should indicate whether the donation is intended for the School Division's "general fund" or for a specific school, department or project. (For example, auditorium lighting upgrades, track refurbishing, turf field, etc.) Donors should also indicate whether they wish to remain anonymous. In that case, the only person who would be aware of the identity of the donor is the school board clerk, who distributes documentation of the donation from the school board. Documentation of the donation from the school board can take up to 8 weeks.
Specific Activity, Club, or Organization Donation
Examples include parent-teacher organizations, booster organizations, library drives, etc. Donors may send this type of donation directly to the school or organization. Donors will receive a receipt.
Property Donation
The School Division accepts donations of material property, such as books, furniture, and equipment. Every property donation must be approved by the Department of Fiscal Services to ensure it meets safety standards. Donors should indicate whether they wish to remain anonymous.
School Board Hearing of Donation
Once a donation is received or documented by the Department of Fiscal Services, an agenda item is drawn up to be heard by the School Board. Once heard, the School Board will draw up a letter to send to the donor to serve for tax purposes. For property donations, the process ends here; however, if the donation is monetary, the donation goes on to be heard by the Board of Supervisors. Afterwards, the funds are deposited into the code designated by the receiving school or department.